Writing City of Skopje
Letter of appreciation
Dear Mr Masson,
We would like to thank you for the outstanding performance during your stay in Skopje for the Summer Festival 2022 and unforgettable night in the Macedonian Cultural Center on the occasion of the Skopje
White Night 2022.
We heard so much about your extraordinary abilities to interact with any kind of audience, but only after we witnessed the show you dedicated to the Skopje citizens could we really understand how true it is.
Your performance is a rare combination of magic with a personal touch, which makes even the most introverted people to open up and show excitement.
The talent of an artist is not measured only by the boundaries of his artistry but also by the seriousness he applies to his audience, the respect he gives them, his abilities to relate to the audience, and the ability to communicate, which was so essential to our events.
You brought immense happiness to the audience that accepted your artistic and original magic with much joy.
We truly appreciate the effort you have put into these events.
We remain positive that this is not the last time we will welcome you in Skopje, since this pleasant experience left us wanting more.
translation of the letter
Dear Mr Masson,
We would like to thank you for your outstanding performance during your stay in Skopje at the Summer Festival 2022 and the unforgettable night at the Macedonian Cultural Center on the occasion of the Skopje White Night 2022. We had heard so much about your extraordinary ability to interact with any type of audience, but it was only after seeing the show you dedicated to the citizens of Skopje that we could really understand how true that is.
Her performance is a rare combination of magic with a personal touch that will make even the most introverted to open up and show enthusiasm.
An artist's talent is measured not only by the limitations of his art, but also by the seriousness with which he treats his audience, the respect he shows them, his ability to engage with the audience and his ability to communicate, which was so important for our events.
You brought immense joy to the audience, who received your artistic and original performance with great joy. We really appreciate the effort you put into these events. We are confident that this will not be the last time we will welcome you in Skopje as this pleasant experience leaves us wanting more.