The handshake—a simple, everyday gesture—holds incredible powers and possibilities.
Sometimes, when I shake hands with someone, the person experiences an intuitive flash. These sudden insights bring immediate clarity and understanding. It is astonishing how such a simple gesture can have such profound effects.
On other occasions, people feel a strange vibration or tingling. A friend once remarked, “His hands are often either ice-cold or extremely warm.” These temperature differences are not accidental, but sometimes deliberately used to enhance the psychological impact.
At meetings, I am often introduced with the words: “His hands are often ice-cold or extremely warm.” These small temperature changes can surprise and impress people, capturing their full attention. In stuffy, hot rooms, my handshake often leads to a shiver, while in freezing rooms, it is inexplicably warm. Such experiences deeply embed the memory of our handshake in people’s subconscious.
Another Secret
Some people immediately go into a trance when I shake their hand, while others fall into a trance-like state after a few minutes. This ability to induce trance states demonstrates the power of magic and my deep understanding of human nature and ancient secrets.
During group experiments, I ask participants to hold hands in a circle. “You might feel a strange energy flowing through my hands and the entire circle,” I frequently demonstrate. These collective experiences create a deep sense of connection and amplify the impact of my techniques. The handshake—a simple, everyday gesture—holds incredible powers and possibilities.
This simple secret—a well-executed handshake—can profoundly change the perception and connection to other people. Use these techniques to expand your own abilities and create deeper connections in your professional and personal life.
For more information, watch my video “Secrets of the Handshake” on my YouTube channel “The Mystic Circle.”
